Your target is creative, you will be able to sell this pen by showing it in a work situation between creatives. To activate the principle of association in your Marketing strategy and sell this pen by pallet, you can activate two levers Influencer Marketing By soliciting influencers to promote your pen, you will activate the principle of association in a very subtle way. A person follows an influencer because they look like them. If the influencer uses your pen, by association, their followers will think that this pen is also for them. Le Storytelling With Storytelling , you build a story that gives your brand a soul.
Here, it will be about building a story allowing you to give your pen a value or a vision dear Albania WhatsApp Number to your target! Red Bull uses it to position itself as the extreme sports drink. Nutella uses storytelling to position itself as the spread for good family times. And you, to sell this pen? . The principle of reciprocity The principle of reciprocity translates into the feeling of obligation we feel when we are given something. If I offer you a drink, you will feel obligated to offer me one in return. If I invite you to dinner, you will resend the invitation. If I do you a favor, you will feel obligated to help me. point of view? LInbound Marketing To activate the principle of reciprocity in your Marketing strategy and sell this pen by pallet, I recommend that you do Inbound Marketing . To put it simply, Inbound consists of offering high valueadded content to your target to gain their trust.

Your content must respond in a very objective and caring manner to certain issues encountered by your target. Lets imagine that to sell this pen, you target salespeople you could very well regularly publish tips on your website to increase your chances of signing customer contracts. This content will really help salespeople sell more often. So, when the time comes, under the principle of reciprocity, your target will think about buying your pen to sign these famous contracts! . The principle of consistency The principle of consistency is a principle according to which we behave consistently after having made a decision, a commitment. If you propose to a girl, you will naturally feel more in love after your proposal.