In situations, like complex buying or even aligning around problem solving, we are seeing increasing difficulties and communications loss. Sure we see the person talking and their powerpoints, and we can see each person in the “room.” , real or virtual. But somehow we don’t seem to be accomplishing as much. We are still not connected and aligned, even though each participant is hearing the same things. Don’t get me wrong, the technology enables us to connect in ways we haven’t been able to do in the past. But something is missing. As we dive into it, we realize it’s the “humanity.” We recognize “connecting” isn’t just about seeing and hearing people.
Connecting is about a relationship between people. It’s about understanding who people are, what they stand for, what they value, and their identity—perhaps not at a deep level, but at a level that transcends just seeing and hearing them. Connecting is about Lebanon Phone Number Data establishing trust and we establish trust through establishing some level of relationship. As much as we may fool ourselves into thinking it’s about the technology, we cannot escape the fact that, particularly in knowledge based jobs, getting work done, making progress is about connecting people in meaningful ways. Of course, this shouldn’t be a surprise. Selling, complex problem solving has always been about people connecting with people. But in past years, we seem to have let the technology distract us. It’s stunning that it takes something like this pandemic to bring the importance of people and their humanity back to the forefront.
The future of selling doesn’t look a lot different from the past. It is about people connecting with people in meaningful and trusting ways. It is about understanding who each individual is, as a human, and establishing some sort of bond at a human level. Afterword: Thanks so much Sheevaun, Bill, Most businesses deal with a lot of competition from existing brands and startups. If you find success, you can be almost certain that someone will try to mimic what you’ve done. One way to stand out from the crowd is by offering customization options your competitors don’t.