Both UI and UX design are believed to be the most confusing terms used in web design. and applications It often seems that the two words are synonymous with the same thing. So let's take a look together to see the details and differences between the two. UI User Interface “UI” is an abbreviation for User Interface or user interface which is the graphical layout of an application. Contains buttons that users click. Readable text images scroll bars text input fields and all the remaining items that the user interacts with. And every microinteraction every type of visual element interaction or animation has to be designed.
The responsibility for design falls to UI designers. They are the people who decide what the user interface of an application should look like. They have to choose a color combination and button shape. as well as the line wi BSB Directory dth and font used for the text. It is the person who creates the look and feel of the entire application's user interface. A UI designer is a graphic designer. They are related to beauty. They are responsible for ensuring that the application's interface is attractive visually stimulating and appropriately themed to match the application's purpose and/or characteristics. And they needed to make sure that every visual element felt unified.
Both in terms of aesthetics and purpose UX User Experience “UX” is short for User Experience meaning “user experience.” A user's experience with an app depends on how they interact with the app i.e. how smooth the user experience is. Easy to use not complicated or confusing. User experience is determined by how easy or difficult it is to interact with the user interface elements that a UI designer creates. Therefore UX designers need to think about an app's user interface. Application too And this is why people are confused about the difference between the two.